Emergency Egress model using Flood Fill

Running a simulation with agents following routes to exit:
Click on "Setup Floorplan"
Click on "flooding space forever"
When "Count placers" = 0 click on "flooding space forever" again to toggle it off.
Click on "Set up agents"
Click on "agents exit with a plan"
When "Number of agents" =0, click on "agents exit with a plan" to toggle it off
Check the "Time" to see how long it took for all of the agents to exit

Running a simulation with agents randomly moving:
Click on "Setup Floorplan"
Click on "flooding space forever"
When "Count placers" = 0 click on "flooding space forever" again to toggle it off.
Click on "Set up agents"
Click on "agents exit"
When "Number of agents" = 0*, click on "agents exit" to toggle it off
Check the "Time" to see how long it took for all of the agents to exit
*or you can simple stop the simulation running when time is > 1000.

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Engine speed5
