BIOL 362 01 Predator and prey simulation

This is a predator and prey simulation program. To run the program:
1.) Press the setup button on the left to start the simulation.
2.) Simulate button on the left starts and pauses the simulation.
3.) The sliders on the right control the starting population of predators and prey. There are 2 predators (Ambush and Pursuit) and 1 prey (baitfish).

1.) The graph on the left represents the total amount of each agents' population.
2.)The X axis represents the time the simulation has been running. The Y axis represents the number of agents are in each population.

Program Simulation Overview:
This is a simulation of a grassy lagoon in the Adriatic sea. The goal of the simulation is to create a stable but randomly generated environment where predators and prey interact with each other demonstrating real world behaviors. There are 3 types of agents in this model which are pursuit predators (cyan), ambush predators (black), and bait fish (orange) which is the prey.

Engine speed5
