Final Ecosystem Model

My ecosystem model shows the interactions between organisms of three tropic levels. Some strengths of my model are that it displays what would happen to an environment when predators outnumber prey. The way it shows this factor is interesting as both the giraffes and the lions rely on their "energy" to stay alive. By using this variable it is easy to program this model to show the affects of a series getting hunted down to extinction in a specific area. My model includes grass, giraffes, and lions. The limiting factors that are included in my model are the amount of grass there is and how much the lions eat the giraffes. But, my model has some limitations. My model doesn't include the affect of human hunting and such, and it also doesn't include ways the lions could die other than from starvation. Some other things that my model doesn't accurately show is the way that the lions and the giraffes reproduce. In real life, you would need one male and one female to reproduce, but in my model, there aren't any gender specifications. Some of the other stuff I did not include in my model were the impact of the environment and the weather. I chose to not model these things as I couldn't to work out correctly. But, my model was able to correctly show a pretty accurate life cycle for the animals, as they reproduced, ate to survive, then eventually died off. My model/system was also able to sustain itself and maintain a consistent cycle, making it pretty predictable. In my model, there are also interactions between organisms, such as the giraffes eating the grass and the lions eating the giraffes for energy. My ecosystem has agents as well: Grass, Lions, and Giraffes. So, this model shows pretty accurately overall of what would happen if predators outnumbered their prey to start off an environment.

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