
My constructed ecosystem contains 5 trophic levels. The first contains plant (grass), the second level contains wild rabbit and pet rabbit. Who do not have to worry about food but does have a death rate. The third level consists of mountain lions, whom human (luckily) do not like to eat or hunt, they eat rabbit and will die if their energy is not sufficient for survival. The fourth level is human, whom will not die due to a lack of energy and sometimes want to adopt rabbit and pets. Decomposers are also included in my model, when each organisms except humans die, they are transformed into grass and back into the ecosystem. However, when humans die, they simply disappear and does not recycle into the environment since they are in a coffin. My model does have some limitations since my model does not model hibernation and humans do not hunt other animals. However, I think adding these components will cause the project to be overly complex and occasionally break the website on high engine speeds.

Engine speed5
