Sophia and Lana Hepatitis B Infectious Disease Model

This is a computerized model of Hepatitis B, an infectious disease. *Warning: The model does not work*
It creates 75 healthy (blue) spheres (people) and 5 sick (red, as well as 25 immune (white) and has them move around Spaceland randomly (with a wiggle). The spheres only turn red on collision if the collidee is red.

The model contains:
-a graph to count the blue and red (healthy and infected) spheres
-a slider to control the transmission rate (with a range from 0 to 100). Use the transmission slider in the code as the probability of passing on the disease when a sphere collides with an infected one. (Although for Hepatitis B, we have the range set to 100% because that is what our research shows as far as transmission rate.)
-a recovery slider with a range from 0 to 100, using the recovery slider in the code as the probability that a sphere will recover from the disease at each step (and so become healthy, or blue).

Engine speed5
