Ecosystem Model

This ecosystem model demonstrates the interactions between organisms of four tropic levels. Some strengths of our model include the ability to change birth and death rates of organisms. This model includes grass, rabbits, coyotes and lions. The limiting factors that are included in this model are human game and the abundance of water in the ecosystem. On the other hand, our model has multiple limitations. Our model doesn't include gestation period (the time that the animal is pregnant). Other things our model doesn't accurately demonstrate the way that animals are reproduced; in this model you don't need a male and a female to reproduce. We also didn't model most environmental impacts that would fluctuate the population of the animals; we didn't model natural disasters. Some other things that weren't modeled include migration, diseases, pollution, geographic/regional impacts (terrain, climate, other animals that might live in a certain area), along with other unpredictable human impacts. We didn't model these things, because they were unpredictable, and we weren't able to get the code right on them, as the system kept crashing. Traits that we included in our model that showed an Ecosystem as a complex adaptive system included patterns, and the simple rules of the ecosystem. The pattern in the way that each of the organisms would do the same things, be born, eat, reproduce, and eventually die. Each of the animals followed the same simple rules which were to be born, eat, reproduce, and eventually die. The system was also self- sustainable (doesn't need you to do things during the model), difficult to predict (the factors can be changed), there is also probability in the model, as the number of animals in a liter can change. There is also interaction between organisms, as the organisms eat each other for energy. This ecosystem has many agents as well, consisting of grass, rabbits, coyotes, and lions. On top of that this ecosystem is leaderless, because each of the organisms follow the same rules, and don't receive commands from one organism.

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